Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ahhh, the Sweet Life!

Is it just me or is the weather this year absolutley crazy?! A record number of blizzards this winter, and to top it off a blazing hot summer to say the least! However, we all still have to remember that we are in the middle of one of the best seasons (vastly decided by age, kids love it- parents often dread it) of the year. The carefree days of summer, people seem to be in better moods, due to the great energy we get from the sun, or is it the wonderful creative of Air Conditioning? I know everyone around the country is sizzling with temperatures ranging from 85-95+ degrees but remember to enjoy the days of summer.

When in the sun, don't forget!
+ Reapply sunscreen every two hours to prevent from burning
+ Stay hydrated with water or sports drinks
+ Find an area that has some shade, so you can escape the heat

Want to beat the heat?
+ Got to a matinee movie
+ Take your beach chair to the waters edge and sit with your feet in the water
+ Have a water balloon fight

What are your tips and tricks to keeping cool this summer?


Anonymous said...

i feel like i could live in that image

Anonymous said...

also if you have kids and a lawn an easy way to keep them cool and keep your grass from dying completely is to use a good old sprinkler.
and a better alternative to ice cream is to freeze orange juice in small paper cups.
my little guys love it!

Catherine said...

I would have to agree, when I go to the beach I always make sure to bring an umbrella... at my age I can not stand to be in the sun too long without finding any bit of shade. I also LOVE to take my book and beach chair to the water and relax! Give me a big straw hat, and I am set for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

a little personal fan with water bottle attached to it works wonders when you need to cool down in the heat!